Saturday, May 22, 2010

No Lei No Lei Oh Lei Lei, Djou Wins in Hawaii!

And as the sunset over the western Pacific from Hawaii the sky was just a bit redder today!

The signs were everywhere the last few weeks, that Honolulu City Councilman Charles Djou would win a Democratic-held House seat in Hawaii in the district where President Obama grew up -- the latest triumph for the GOP as it looks to take back control of Congress.

Djou embraced the Tea Party movement and made appearances at Hawaii's tea party protests. His message was clear: Taxes are too high, the federal government has grown too large, and wasteful government spending hinders economic prosperity.

Djou received 67,274 votes, by a nine percent margin, of 39.5 percent. He was trailed by state Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, a Democrat who received 52,445 votes, or 30.8 percent. The other leading Democrat, former U.S. Rep. Ed Case, received 47,012 votes, or 27.6 percent.

Hawaii like the continental states is suffering from a huge $1 billion deficit, and Djou smartly stayed on point and his campaign focused on taxes and government spending. Hawaii's unemployment rate has nearly doubled in the last three years.and the tourism tourism-driven economy is troubled.

Hawaii has not had a Republican Congressman since 1991.

So get your coconut drinks out and roast a pig! The Democrats now have suffered a loss in the bluest state West of Massachusetts. There is no way that the talking heads can spin this into a happy moment.

It will be a challenge in the fall for Djou to hold this seat, but for now, we are all Hawaiians!

Sunday let us all gather around wear red leis and face to the west as we do a little hulu and say Mahalo Nui Hawaii for that sending a message that Obama is not their so favorite son!

And just like the Olympics, and Virginia, and New Jersey, and Massachusetts, Obama failed to deliver the Congressional district where his grand parents lived and he lived while he was their ward.

Mahalo Nui Hawaii!

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